In order to perform either Imports from Salesforce or Exports to Salesforce, you'll first need to set up a connection between Civis and Salesforce. A Salesforce Administrator at your organization may be required for portions of this setup process.
Setting up Credentials on Salesforce Organization Account
To set up Salesforce Credentials in Platform, you’ll need the following:
- A Salesforce username and password.
- A Salesforce Security Token.
- A Salesforce Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
To acquire your Consumer Key, Consumer Secret and Security Token, follow the steps below:
- Create a Connected App in Salesforce (See documentation for more details).
- Enable OAuth settings (See documentation for more details).
- When setting up the OAuth settings:
- Ensure that you check/select the Enable OAuth Settings checkbox.
- Set the callback URL to
- Allow the following OAuth Scopes:
- Access the identity URL service (id, profile, email, address, phone)
- Manage user data via APIs (api)
- Manage user data via Web browsers (web)
- Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
- Access unique user identifiers (openid)
- After the App has been created, Salesforce will provide you with a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Copy and save these two values in a secure location.
- Relax the IP restrictions to your app so that the Platform is able to connect to your Salesforce App (See documentation for more details).
- To relax IP restrictions, go to Setup > Apps > Manage Connected Apps
- Select your connected app and under the “Oauth policies” section and then select “Relax IP restrictions”
- You should receive a Salesforce security token via email upon creating the app. If you did not, navigate to Setup > Personal Setup > My Personal Information > Reset My Security Token. (Salesforce documentation)
Setting up Salesforce Credentials in Platform
Add the following credentials to Civis Platform:
- Salesforce User Credential
- Salesforce Client Credential
To create a Salesforce User Credential on Civis, navigate to create new credential and fill the fields as follows:
- Name - The name for the credential. This will be what you select from the Credential dropdown on the Bulk and REST Import from Salesforce scripts so make sure it’s descriptive. We recommend “<Your Organization> Salesforce User”.
- Credential Type - Set the type to “Custom”.
- Username - Your Salesforce username.
- Password - Your Salesforce password followed by your Security Token. Do not include any spaces. For example, if your Salesforce password is “badpassword123" and your security token is “Q3y4F8y” then your credential password would be “badpassword123Q3y4F8y”.
- Description - Enter the credential description. This may be left blank.
- Remote Host must be left blank.
- Click Save.
To create a Salesforce Client Credential on Civis navigate to create new credential and fill the fields as follows:
- Name - The name for the credential. This will be what you select from the Credential dropdown on the Bulk and REST Import from Salesforce scripts so make sure it’s descriptive. We recommend “<Your Organization> Salesforce Client”.
- Credential Type - Set the type to “Custom”.
- Username - This should be the Consumer Key from the App you created earlier.
- Password - This should be the Consumer Secret from the App you created earlier.
- Description - Enter the credential description. This may be left blank.
- Remote Host must be left blank.
- Click Save.
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