DHIS2 Integration with M-DIVE (April 2021)




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    Aliou Diallo

    Question: How uploading quarterly reports into M-DIVE different from Importing data from DHIS2?

    Aliou Diallo,

    PMI Mali

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    Mike Samawi


    Great question. Countries that have submitted quarterly report data in the past have had the burden of manually curating the data and sending over in a file format to PMI / Civis so that we can develop the quarterly report and other visualizations you see in M-DIVE.

    This DHIS2 'Import' tool, connects M-DIVE directly to DHIS2 so that the manual data curation burden is removed from the NMCP. We have newly built this tool and have worked with one NMCP so far in order to connect directly to their DHIS2 database so that they will not have to do much (if any) work in the future for quarterly report submissions. 

    If this type of automated connection is of interest to Mali, we would love to hear from you and discuss ways that we can set this up for your team. 


    Mike from Civis

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