Audience Center offers a single source of truth so you can quickly identify, prioritize, and target your most valuable customers. It quickly segments your customers using data, understands what makes the segments unique, and knows which customers to focus on to meet your goals in a way that surfaces the most important insights.
- Go to platform.civisanalytics.com
- Select Publish then Reports
- Open the Audience Center app
- From the Audience Library page, click on the New Audience button to define a new audience.
- From this page, you can select which parameters will define your audience.
- Demographics
- Behavioral
- Custom Parameters (e.g. Brand loyalty, Media Channels)
- Note: Within a parameter category, the app uses “or” logic over multiple selections. Across multiple parameter categories, the app uses “and” logic across multiple selections:
- Click Create Audience
- Once your audience has been created, go to the Audience Library page. Here, you can explore previously created audiences or create new ones.
- Click on the audience of your choosing to view the breakdown.
- The Demographics tab, the bar charts reflect the demographic makeup of your audience.
- The Behavior tab allows you to target social media platforms that your audience most commonly visits.Note: On the Behavior tab, the station index table reflects how your audience compares to the overall population. The “Index Population” toggle at the top of the screen allows you to toggle between comparing your audience to the market population or to the national population.
Data sources
- Behavioral data
- Audience Behavior information comes from the GfK-MRI Survey of the American Consumer (2017 Doublebase).
- Predictive Models are used to compute behavioral probabilities for the majority of American consumers.
- Demographic data
- Demographic data comes from the Civis Consumer File, a proprietary fusion of census, consumer, and electoral data on 240 Million American Adults.
- The Civis Consumer File is updated each quarter
Metrics glossary
- Audience size: The audience size is the number of people in the Civis Consumer file that satisfy all of the selections made in the “New Audience” page.
- Within the index table, audience size refers to the number of people in that geographic market who satisfy all of the selections made in the “New Audience” page.
- Index: The index is calculated by dividing the incidence of the a certain behavior among your audience by the incidence among the population overall. For example:
- market index = (fraction of radio station listeners who fall into your audience) / (fraction of market population that falls into your audience)* 100
- national index = (fraction of radio station listeners who fall into your audience) / (fraction of national population that falls into your audience)* 100
Contact support@civisanalytics.com with any questions or concerns.
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